(3) Stand Continental 161 Gin
(4) Stand Lummus 170 Gin

Farmers Union Gin Co. is a privately owned cotton ginning & cotton warehousing business located in Senath, Missouri which is in the Southeast part of the state, often referred to as "the bootheel".  Our plant consists of two complete gins in one building.  The first plant was constructed in 1988 and consists of (3) Continental 161 gin stands with tandem Continental 24D lint cleaners.  The second plant was constructed in 2003 and consists of (4) Lummus 170 gin stands with single Lummus Sentinal lint cleaners.  The two plants gin a little over 100 bales per hour.  Also on site are eight cotton storage warehouses.  The warehouses are U.S.D.A. licensed for 100,000 bales of cotton.  A 20,000 ton cottonseed house is used for storage and to help market cottonseed timely.